For 2015 there is transitional relief from the penalty for businesses that employed between 50 and 100 full-time equivalent employees during 2014. To be eligible, an employer must meet the following conditions:
- Did not reduce the size of its workforce or overall hours of service of its employees during the period starting on February 9, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2014.
- Did not eliminate or materially reduce the health coverage it offered as of February 9, 2014 during the period beginning on February 9, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.
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Generally, a large employer will be subject to a shared responsibility payment (penalty) for 2015 once at least one full-time employee receives a premium tax credit and:
- Employer does not offer health insurance coverage to at least 70% of their employees – Penalty is calculated as $2,000 x (Total number of full-time employees minus 30) which is prorated for each month that they did not offer coverage;
- Employer offers health insurance coverage that is not affordable or does not meet the minimum value standards – Penalty is $3,000 for each full-time employee who opts out of the employer’s coverage and obtains their health insurance through a Marketplace and is eligible for a premium tax credit.